Miguel A. Francisco
Software Engineer | Comp. Sci. Graduate


I'm an aspiring software engineer eager to grow in my career. With a curious mind and a passion for learning, I'm always seeking new challenges. Check out some of my projects below, and feel free to reach out.

Recipe Finder

As a team, our mission was to craft a web application that provides users with an immersive journey through the diverse world of cuisines. This platform not only enables users to explore and save their preferred recipes but also includes detailed cooking instructions, serving as a valuable resource to enhance their collection of culinary delights

Event Registration App

Initiated the development phase for a mobile application designed to assist a non-profit organization in enhancing community connectivity. This ongoing project focuses on simplifying the event registration procedures, aiming to facilitate local residents' participation in hosted events. As a work in progress, the app is actively evolving to meet the organization's goals of fostering a more closely connected community.

Film Metering App

In the initial phases of development, the idea is a straightforward concept. The application is designed to simplify film photography metering, allowing users to efficiently document exposure details. Those being things such as aperture, ISO, shutter speed, and a description of the exposure taken.

Let's Chat

Fill out the form if you have any questions or inquiries. I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible!

email: mfranc4594@gmail.com